Do not park your bike here.
Do not, do not, do not.
Take a left and wheel it
to the state-appointed lot.
Do not park your bike here.
You know what will come next:
Feeding ducks and pigeons;
walking while you text.
Do not park your bike here.
We beg you to comply.
Misparking sends a message and
the stakes are very high.
Do not park your bike here
unless you want to start
Folks doubting that we have their
best interests at heart.
Do not park your bike here.
But, if you do we’ll hold
you responsible for all the
consequences that unfold.
Do not park your bike here,
lest riots should ensue,
And a bloody revolution—
and it gets traced back to you.
Do not park your bike here.
It means more than we can say.
How much we love good people
who will shut up and obey.
[New feature: Audio recordings of all my poems! Check out the new recordings of previously-posted poems: Three Limericks, Stiff Neck, Egretious, Noodle Set, The Hedgehog and the Chestnut, Ode to Sakura, Unplugged Plum Tree.]
(Words and photo by Sarah Hinlicky Wilson)